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Learner’s achievement thru literacy enhancement

By Gina C. Mota

Literacy skills development is one of the basic goals of elementary education. Reading has a number of benefits including improving your memory and vocabulary, helping you learn new things, and improving focus and concentration. A lot of people say that they want to develop a reading habit but are unable to due to a lack of time. These are the children who grow up and find reading not enjoyable and may not experience reading as a reinforce gaining information and pleasure. These individuals may later find themselves in limited employment and social situations. Therefore, it is crucial that educators and parents shape reading behaviors to achieve the desired reading skills. These learners depend on caring teachers, and parents to provide them the reading help they need.

The teachers of San Miguel Elementary School, Bato District conducted remedial and enrichment reading activities. Hence, it is the prerogative of the teacher to choose, invent and resort to the use of interventions as he/she see fit to teach the children to read. It involves an interaction between our learners. Efficient reading does not result from precise perception but from skill that we used in order for them to learn. Before teachers can design and provide appropriate reading instruction for their students, they should be armed with information about their students’ current reading levels and abilities. This diagnostic approach to describing how children read embraces inclusionary principles that emphasize the need for education that is learner-oriented, responsive and culturally sensitive. It has been assumed that if a specialist presented a teacher with a diagnosis of the child’s difficulties in reading, the teacher would, thereupon, be able to adapt her instruction to these difficulties. Too often, however, teachers have not been trained in any methods other than those suitable for the normally learning child. Their attempts at remedial work consist frequently of merely repeating individually the same methods which have failed to produce results with the retarded reader after several years in school. Of the several factors which contribute to the pupil’s interest in the program as a whole, an important one is interest in the reading content. The teacher should, therefore, by talking to the pupil by trying out samples of material through oral reading, attempt to discover the types of materials which make the greatest appeal. Through reading, we expose our self to new things, new information, new ways to solve problem and new ways to achieve one thing.


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