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Message of Archbishop Tirona to start Season of Creation in September

My Brother Priests, Consecrated Persons, Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Peace of Jesus be with you!

This first day of September ushers us into the ‘Season of Creation.’

It is “ a time of grace that the Church, in ecumenical dialogue, offers to humanity to renew its relationship with the Creator and with creation, through celebration, conversion and commitment together. In other words, the Season of Creation is the annual ecumenical celebration of prayer and action for our common home.”

This year’s theme is : “ Listen to the voice of creation.”

As we thank God, Our Creator, for the gift of our common home, and during this Season of Creation 2022, we commit ourselves. :

⁃ to integrate this theme into our celebrations of El Divino Rostro and Our Lady of Penafrancia.

⁃ to raise the awareness of our faithful on the serious issue of climate change, and its growing damaging effects on our common home, this earth.

- to Initiate and promote concrete activities in our parishes and communities to reinforce the enhancement and protection of our environment.

- to encourage continuous tree planting, cleanliness of surroundings, vigorously protest wanton quarrying, and illegal activities that destroy our natural resources.

- to organize and form our youths to be friends, protectors and servants of creation.

Together as shepherds in the Archdiocese of Caceres let us engage ourselves and proclaim this Season of Creation 2022.

Let us all ‘listen to the voice of creation.’

Viva El Divino Rostro!

Viva La Virgen!

In Jesu Christo,

+ Rolando J. Tria Tirona, OCD

Archbishop of Caceres


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