MNCCI holds GMA, elects new board members
The Metro Naga Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MNCCI) convened its last quarter general assembly and business meeting on December 11, 2024, at the Avenue Plaza Convention Center along Magsaysay Avenue, Naga City. The assembly started at 5:00 o’ clock in the afternoon and was anchored by Gloffa Media Promotions’ lead host Ms. Antonette Eduardo. This significant event gathered all MNCCI Officers and members, government officials, partner agencies and stakeholders to discuss the current economic landscape, business prospects, and future initiatives.
The assembly was divided into three parts. Part 1 involves Chamber Business Meeting which highlighted the keynote address of Mayor Nelson S. Legacion surprisingly announcing the donation of an almost 1,000 square-meter lot for the construction of a new MNCCI building to rise soon at the vicinity of barangay Balatas Development Complex. This was followed by the MNCCI President’s report rendered by MNCCI President Mario C. Villanueva, which report highlighted the Chamber’s involvement in Disaster Relief Service Operations, the awards received – such as the Most Outstanding Chamber and the Star Tourism Awards, and the other achievements of the past year. President Villanueva also outlined the strategic goals for 2025.
Details of the address included:
• Disaster Relief Operations from Typhoon Christine: Through the existing network of Quintuple Local Chamber Partnerships with the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), the MNCCI has raised a total amount of Php 608,000 cash donations from generous donors as follows: The PCCI-Makati, together with One Foundation Philippines & Rotary Club of Makati East amounting to Php 218,000; PCCI-Corporate Social Responsibility Funds amounting to Php 200,000; PCCI-SL amounting to Php 34,000; PCCI-Tarlac amounting to Php 115,000; and donations from Davao Chamber for the Medical Mission- Php 25,000; with a counterpart cash donation from Naga College Foundation, Inc. amounting to Php 50,000. The funds were appropriated with the concurrence of the Board to purchase immediate provisions in the form of food packs distributed to severely affected families in Naga, the adjacent municipality of Milaor, Gainza and Caramoan - right after the devastation of Typhoon Kristine. A medical mission was also conducted. The relief operations have benefited 2,136 families and 63 medical mission patients.
• Strategic focus for 2025. President Mario presented a strategic outlook for 2025 aiming to harness new investment projects to boost the economic growth in various sectors leading to long-term benefits for the environment, society, and the bottom line - citing the Triple Bottom-line Model of Sustainability. He appealed to all attendees for commitment to sustainable practices of doing business not only through enhancing brand reputation but also by attracting customers and investors who prioritize responsible business practices to join in the advocacy campaigns to reduce carbon footprints.
In Part 2, the Assembly moved into the election of new members of the Board, and the proclamation and induction of the newly elected Barangay Business Club presidents. MNCCI Past President Ramon Philip Imperial chaired the COMELEC, and was duly assisted by another past president Mr. Guilbert Albero. This year, eight (8) members of the Board of Directors who had served the MNCCI for a year will end their terms of office. Thus, in this election, there are also eight (8) newly elected members who will begin to serve a two-year term in the Board once inducted into office. All MNCCI members who are in good standing at the time of the election were qualified to vote and be voted upon. At the time of the election, there were ten (10) nominated candidates. The manner of election was thru individual secret balloting. After the voting, ballots were canvassed and out of 10 candidates only the top eight (8) were proclaimed winners. Among the newly elected new members of the Board are; (1) Dr. Emelita O. Menes representing Menes Builders and Construction Supply. (2) Engr. Nico Nino G. Lagrimas representing Lagrimas Construction & Consultancy, Inc.; (3) Ms. Marichu SL Fessler representing Smart-save Solar; (4) Mr. Orville Ong representing Ultra-Aire Airconditioning Sales & Services; (5) Ms. Desiree Lou Rivera representing DLMR Psychometric Center; (6) Mr. Ian Arvin Ferrer representing IJF Food Ventures Corporation; (7) Ms. Leanne Montemayor representing Zynergynity Events Management; and (8) Ms.Diane Kate Z. Morena representing FLORENTEAZZA. The newly elected members of the Board will begin holding their office as soon as they are inducted to their respective offices in January 2025.
The last part of the assembly was devoted to simple Christmas Party and Fellowship. Distribution of gifts, raffles and recognition of invaluable partners followed together with awarding of certificates and commendations. The event was concluded with the induction of the 16 newly elected Barangay Business Club presidents out of the 27 barangays in Naga City.
