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On Disbarment and Dishonesty

I remember that his name came up on the candidates for senator last election. Someone told me that he was a sore loser; although, I could not find official reports on that. My forehead would usually wrinkle on candidates whose names don’t ring a bell, and suddenly pop come election time. But on the other hand, unfamiliarity is not enough to determine competence. We never know. He could have been a good senator.

Why do they have to change the slogan? I guess that’s expected with a new administration. I’ve gotten accustomed to “It’s More Fun in the Philippines”. But, I admit, it is quite lengthy. I guess, we could use a shorter catchphrase. I guess, “Love the Philippines” would grow on me. Objectively speaking, it’s shorter and more direct. That would make it more catchy. I just hope that translates to actual tourists.

How does the President choose his appointees? Vice President Sarah Duterte has been on DepEd. In her political career, she has not leaned towards education, but I guess, that’s okay. Former Cavite Congressman Boying Remulla is on DOJ. I guess, he’s qualified for the position. Ted Herbosa who is now on DOH, was involved in the National Task Force Against Covid-19; so, I guess that makes sense. But, Larry Gadon as adviser on poverty alleviation?

How do government agencies gather and collect data and resources for the performance of their tasks. I suppose agencies have staff assigned on research and/or intelligence. I guess that’s what all that intelligence fund is for – so that, they could gather accurate references to get valid findings for reliable conclusions and recommendations. I suppose they do it in a more sophisticated way, better than browsing the Internet and copying and pasting random data. After all, they have all the resources of the state at their disposal.

Theoretically, the three branches of the government have equal status. What would it mean if the Senate downplays the President’s executive order and ignores it? What would it mean if the Supreme Court downplays some legislation passed by Congress? What would it mean if the Supreme Court downplays a President’s executive order? I think that would be improper. I think that would be problematic. With their functions and responsibilities being distinct and separate, it is imperative that they respect each other’s initiatives with high esteem. How could one branch downplay one other branch’s decision? What would that mean? Does that not mean that one branch does not care or does not have enough respect for the other branches? Does that mean that one branch would keep doing what it wants regardless of the other’s research-based decision, because after all, they should be working together?

According to reports, the newly appointed adviser on poverty alleviation claims that he is happier on that position than being a recognized barrister; that apparently, he doesn’t care about disbarment. Oh, come on. That’s like a kid who got kicked out of school, who says that he’s happy about it because he could play all day long. Just in case, you consider that as a seriously valid point, here’s how it goes. No matter, how much he enjoys his job at the present, his appointment would terminate along with the term of the President, which is five years from now. Well, I guess, he could stay in position if the next President would be along the same political alliance, but that’s quite a longshot. So, most probably, after five years, he’s out of that job and similarly most probably, he would be carrying the dishonor of disbarment for the rest of his life, just because of his big ungentlemanly mouth.

Now, talking about dishonor, or in other words, shameful, how more shameful can it get when you clain to Love the Philippines and show scenic spots that turn out to be those from other countries? It’s not only embarrassing, but it is soooooooo laaaaaazy! It could have been so easy to take original photographs of the actual places or tap the help of actual tourists, photojournalists who have been to the actual places, or tap the help of the travel vloggers who crisscross the islands and actually visit the actual places. How could that be so difficult? Has not anyone in their office thought of that? This is deplorable. I’m sure Thailand, Indonesia, UAE or Switzerland would not make a big deal of it, but his is seriously embarrassing. We invited foreign tourists to come here using other places to promote it. It’s dishonesty. It’s unethical.

Let’s have a little respect. Let’s have respect for other people and groups with whom we should be working together. Let’s have some respect for what is actually honorable. Let’s have some respect for honesty and ethics. Let’s have some respect for ourselves.

Matthew 7:12: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you…”


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