Our Life’s Purpose

In ten years or so, I will be pushing fifty. I will be half a century old. Not yet a senior citizen though, but considerably old. Simply put, what is old?
Death in the family will make you think about your own life. The past year, five family members and friends passed away. Old and young. Honestly, I surmise that for them there would no longer be reflections about life. However, for us we have a life to live.
The daily routine devours our thoughts, our feelings, and, our time. When we reflect about our life, we take it for granted, maybe, personally, I just think about deadlines, for one-- today is a deadline -- for Bicol Mail that is…
Quality over quantity, perhaps, this may be the case. It is not how many years you had spent on Earth but rather how you had lived your life. Our purpose.
A good life aligned with each own Religion maybe?
How about the agnostics? Or how about the atheists? Ah! A eureka moment, let us talk about babies who lived a short life. Let us begin from the most basic. All babies go to heaven, if you believe there is a heaven, right? Well, they became a part of God’s creation and His plan. For the parents, they brought immeasurable joy even for fleeting moments. They did not become kings or queens, presidents, or paupers or popes.
Thus, my dear reader, we just have to be like babies. Remember, from the Bible, unless you become like little children, you shall not enter the Kingdom of God. Our Lord Jesus invited and said to them, “Let the children come to me”.
But of course we should not be childish rather we should be child-like. Furthermore, we should like to nourish the inner child in us. Innocence and care-free-demeanor, typical characters of the youth. For the young-at-heart this is no feat at all.
Look at the children enjoying time. Time is non-existent. Children play, laugh, smile; eat ice cream or candies, look forward to Christmas, and they try to be nice rather than naughty to make them eligible for Santa’s gifts.
Seriously, do not be serious. Do not worry and be happy. Our God always tells us that we are His children. Look at the birds in the sky, they do not gather food and stock them in barns. He knows the prints in our hands. He loves us.
Seriously, we may like to pray. Pray unceasingly, vigilantly, and, faithfully. Talk to God. That is what we can do.
There was a writer who penned a book, “The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?” Yes, Mr. Warren has a good perspective. Perhaps, I may add that we should have, “A Prayer Driven Life” and the one who takes the wheel is Our Lord Jesus Christ. We are mere co-pilots on His plane.
In the darkness, He is Light. In confusion, He is Clarity. In desolation, He is Hope. In nothing, He is Everything. Above all else, He is Love.
He is present in you and me, in our brothers and sisters. He lives in us through the Holy Spirit.
Let me tell you a secret, how do I beat my column’s deadline. I pray for inspiration and guidance…
I look out the window; I see the clouds, the sky, the flying birds, the leaves of trees swaying almost dancing with the wind’s blowing-- how wonderful the world truly is, and I smile with bewilderment of how masterfully the world had been made. And, I thank the Lord that I have eyes to see His creation. But most importantly, I am grateful that He gave me the talent to write about it, human as I am.
In the final analysis, He is the Greatest Author. And, if it is not a happy ending, my dear reader, remember always that He is not finished writing your very own love story.