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Parent-teacher reading engagement

By Margarita T. Buena

Skill in reading is a fundamental factor, a must and needed, which will enable and improve the child to succeed. It is in the school where the child is expected to learn how to read. This tremendous task is entrusted to the teacher, the administrator, and to the school in general but, this task became more challenging and harder to do. The engagement of the guardian in teaching reading and cooperation to the teachers is crucial in addressing the situation. As a teacher, I am responsible enough on the reading situation of our learners. It is my prerogative as a teacher to choose, invent and resort on the use of intervention fit to teach the children to read. With the cooperation of the parents through their engagement in teaching their child to read. With the cooperation of the parents through their engagement in teaching child to read. With the cooperation of the parents through their engagement in teaching their child. Parents ideally get to know their child well which enables them to become familiar with their child’s strengths and interests. It also aims to help families see themselves as partners with their child’s teachers and appreciate how everyday activities can support the process of learning how to read most specially during the pandemic. The Guardians or parents will be provided with reading materials that are suited to the reading level of their child prepared by the teacher. The guardian and teachers should keep in touch from time to time to monitor the progress of the reading activity at home.

The reading engagement will help us to fulfill the goal of DepEd in delivering quality education in producing globally competitive graduates in the future. The parents and teacher will learn different strategies in teaching their pupils to read at home. The teacher will learn valuable experience that she can use to adjust and adopt in our present situation now.

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