PIA feted as ‘smoke-free’ office
By Sally A. Altea
LEGAZPI CITY, Albay --- The Philippine Information Agency (PIA) office here has been recognized by the Legazpi City government for maintaining its status as a 100 percent smoke-free government office for three consecutive years.
The PIA office and the Albay Provincial Information Center, both located in Legazpi City, were recently honored for their significant contribution to the city’s Smoke-Free Campaign.
Portia Rogando, the Smoke-Free Program focal person of the Legazpi City Health Office (LCHO), reported that 74 out of 478 assessed establishments were recognized as fully compliant with the Smoke-Free Ordinance.
The inspection, conducted by the LCHO in collaboration with various government agencies and enforcement teams from the city government from August to November this year, aimed to evaluate establishments for adherence to the city’s strict anti-smoking policies.
Legazpi City Mayor Alfredo Garbin Jr. congratulated the awardees and emphasized the importance of continued cooperation in maintaining a smoke-free environment.
“Let us continue to collaborate in upholding a smoke-free environment and fostering a culture of wellness within our city. Together, let us bring vitality to a healthier and more vibrant community,” Garbin stated.
Trisha Barozo, officer-in-charge of the Department of Health (DOH) Albay Provincial Office, commended Legazpi City as the first locality in the Bicol region to respond to the government’s anti-smoking initiative.
“You are now reaping the rewards of your efforts. Now in its eighth year, the city’s commitment to the smoke-free campaign remains steadfast,” Barozo said.
Legazpi City is also the first in Albay to localize the provisions of RA 11900, known as the Vaporized Nicotine and Non-Nicotine Products Regulation Act, through the Comprehensive Smoke and Vape-Free Ordinance.
This ordinance prohibits smoking and vaping in public spaces, and violators face increased penalties and mandatory community service.
Dr. Dioscoro C. Orlain Jr., Dean of the College of Criminal Justice Education at Computer Arts and Technological College and one of the awardees, pledged support for the revised ordinance.
“Our school has already prohibited vapes in our manual, even before the revised ordinance. We commend the city government for establishing a committee that facilitates swift responses from stakeholders,” Orlain remarked.
Information dissemination regarding the revised ordinance is ongoing, with its transitory period scheduled to take effect in January 2025. (With a report from Raiza Lucido/PIA5/Albay)