Recounting a Resounding Success
Parting with the year 2022 easily brings to mind another victorious occasion that stood out, the Testimonial Lunch of the Board Passers and 2nd Placer in the Guidance Counselor Licensure Examination.
Jubilant was the home of the newly registered UNCean Guidance Counselors, the UNC School of Graduate Studies, led by Dr. Romeo M. Sumayo Jr., Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of School of Graduate Studies (SGS) and College of Teacher Education (CTE), along with Prof. Michel P. Basister, Assistant Dean of both SGS and CTE.
With gratitude and humility, this event was a thanksgiving to God Almighty, a tribute to our successful passers, a commendation to our 2nd placer, a salute to the professors, mentors, and parents, a celebration of UNC as an institution and community, and an invitation to all of us to be our very best.
Future-ready UNCean RGCs and 2nd Placer
Edifying our community and testifying about their victory were our new RGCs: Dante S. Malanyaon, Kristine D. Siscar, Polly May S. Relunia, Jemima Elvira Cacatian, Ted S. Relunia, Remilyn Camila Cuña, Monica M. Lorca, Rolando B. Sernande, Lea Karen G. Mendoza, Kim Patrick L. Magdangan, and April Jane S. Sibulo. We honored a victory of great magnitude that has once again put UNC in the headline - on the national stage. Ms. April Jane S. Sibulo successfully placed 2nd in the August 2022 Guidance Counselor Licensure Examination conducted by the Professional Regulatory Commission. They have displayed the core of future-ready standout graduates: prayer, preparation, and persistence that all paid off in a fashion worthy of our celebration.
UNC is a Coaching Community
It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes an entire community to make future-ready winners not only in school but in life. UNC is a coaching community and time and again, a celebrating campus that has grown by leaps and bounds. Our University President, Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya is the architect of our inspiration - a leader, mentor, and motivator in every sense; a coach who brings out the best in us, in all seasons thinkable. VPAA and SGS Dean Dr. Romeo M. Sumayo Jr. conveyed his confidence and congratulations to our new RGCs and delivered a most deserved victory toast to many more board passers, national placers, and top notchers, from that day forward.
Behind the success of our proud professionals and homegrown heroes are the professors and mentors who helped chart the course of our students’ victory: Ms. Niña Salve King, RGC; Ms. Sherry Tuy Peñas, Ph.D., RGC; Ms. Joan Dela Trinidad, RGC, RPM; Ms. Andrey Rose B. Rubio, RGC; Ms. Cecilia Banaag, Ph.D., RGC; and Prof. Maria Luisa B. Archivido, RGC, the Learning Supervisor of Guidance and Counseling, who spearheaded this meaningful occasion.
Our Charge and Challenge
Guidance Counseling is a profession dedicated to helping people achieve their potential and be the best version of themselves. It is a profession dedicated to fulfilling a special mission and ministry, calling, and cause. In unison, we charged the UNCean newly Registered Guidance Counselors to practice with excellence and empathy and uphold the nobility of their profession. They shall rise to the challenge with the highest competence, deepest commitment, noblest character, and strongest faith - filled with hope, fueled by love. UNCean Guidance Counselors are future-ready to carve a place in the profession, cement their credentials in the field, and advance their advocacy of serving others.