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School exec’s death purely suicide

By Paulo DS. Papa

NAGA City --- Police Senior Master Sergeant Tobias Bongon III, spokesperson of the Naga City Police Office has recently disclosed that the death of STI College Administrator Allan Follero was purely suicide.

Early morning of September 25, Sunday, inside the school administrator’s office at second floor, STI College – Naga building in Barangay Triangulo, Homer Almario, a security guard assigned at the said school campus discovered Follero, 48 years old of Pili, Camarines Sur lifeless and lying on the floor with a 9mm pistol.

During the autopsy, a gunshot wound was found in his throat that caused his immediate death.

In a voice message, Bongon said that the final result of police investigation showed that Follero’s death was purely suicide based on the paraffin test result conducted on the victim’s body.

He said the same test was conducted to Almario, the security guard who discovered Follero lifeless at the place, but he tested negative. The same result was released for the two other security guards assigned in the campus.

Bongon added that according to Follero’s relatives, the school administrator faced several problems, including about his family and finances, before his death.

Bongon disclosed that the case is now closed.


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