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The President’s Day: Music, Moments, and Milestones

The President’s Day is a UNCean tradition that honors the President of the University of Nueva Caceres. On the special day of April 13, 2023, the UNC family joyfully gathered to celebrate the birthday of a superwoman we all love, our dearest University President Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya, a genuine diamond in our midst, vibrant more than ever. This event was organized by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, headed by VPAA Dr. Romeo M. Sumayo Jr., in partnership with the UNC Administration and key University Offices.

The Executive Page and Bicol Mail Column

The first of the string of surprises for President Fay was the Walk-through Open Exhibit, formally commenced by the ribbon-cutting ceremonies, led by the birthday celebrator herself, President Fay. The Walk-through Open Exhibit proudly displayed the blown-up versions of the select Executive Page editions and featured articles from UNC’s Bicol Mail Column – Future-ready at UNC, by yours truly, all printed on Sintra boards gorgeously lined up at the President’s lobby which was adorned with red carpet.

Available in digital and printed copies and posted on UNC’s website and Facebook page, the Executive Page and our Bicol Mail column have significantly carried to the community and the general public the stories that have brought us together, the stories that we are all part of. These hold the narratives that we created from our winning milestones and woven victories, carefully crafted in words for permanence and posterity. Shared with whom we nurture beautiful bonds - UNC stakeholders, LGU and private partners, and the communities, these channels of testimonies and success stories have become the harbinger of the UNCean future-readiness that heralds our history, drumbeats our dream, builds our brand, treasures our tenet, carries our creed, and models our motto - Not of School But of Life.

Diamond Jubilee Digital Souvenir Program

UNC’s great, grand, and glorious Diamond Jubilee Celebration is one moment in our University’s history that towers above the rest. To capture the spirit of the shining celebration and to immortalize this monumental milestone when we turned into a Diamond University ushering in UNC’s Diamond Era, we documented the historic happening through this Diamond Jubilee Digital Souvenir Program, which was launched during the President’s Day.

Unveiling of the Standees of the Former Presidents

UNC at 75, the indelible names of UNC’s exceptional Bicolano visionary Founding Father and First President - Dr. Jaime Hernandez Sr., his successors, the second and third Presidents - Dr. Dolores H. Sison and Mr. Alfredo I. Ayala, and the gem leader of this Diamond University, our current President, Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya, are forever etched in the University’s heart and history. UNC is blessed with four forerunners, our presidents - past and present. With the UNCean community behind them every step of the way, these four personas have steered UNC through 75 years, leading us to our great, grand, and glorious Diamond Jubilee this 2023. They have been the pillars of strength and wisdom who have taken us to where we are right now as an institution.

Unveiling of the University Emblem

During the President’s Day, we unveiled the UNC Diamond Jubilee Emblem, an ensign to welcome our guests and visitors, and stakeholders. The University Emblem is a visualization of our vision and an artistic representation of our mission. It is a symbol of what we stand for, our heart and soul, and the face of our brand. It is our identity that tells who we are, where we come from, where we should be, and what we can become.

Birthday Greetings Video

On Presidents Day, we bring our greetings, gifts, and gestures of goodwill and gratitude to one so special to us and this institution, our birthday celebrator, the lady of the day, and the woman of the hour – our University President Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya, whom I dearly call the Captain and Commander-in-Chief. We rejoice in honoring her life, her love, her leadership, and her legacy through music and melody, serenades, and performances - fit for the President on her blessed and beautiful birthday.

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