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Woman-mother and teacher

By Minene A. Relagio

Teacher II

A woman’s role in God’s creation is not an insignificant one. For the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. She becomes an instrument in God’s plan of bringing to the world men-beings,with souls destined for eternal life. There can be no greater dignity than motherhood. For does not a mother not only bring forth a being into the world but also molds him into the likeness of maker. A mother within the circle of her family,can be an inspiration and an influence to her husband and children. She is mother-teacher and to be,this is the crowning glory of her womanhood.

Mother are life-givers;they teach you to walk without support,hold you when you fall and understand you when the world doesn’t. A mother plays the role of a child’s first teacher,and her teachings will guide you throughout your journey of life. Every child learns from their mother; when you are a kid,you look at her and try to impersonate her and learns to speak,act and respond like her.Nowadays,we find woman in the professional field in the economic and political world. Along with the development of the industrial sector,some mothers choose to work.One of the job is a teacher. There are several reasons someone chooses to pursue a teaching career such as the desire to educate the nation,try new challenges to convey materials to students,try new experiences fulfilling a long-held dream,utilizing leisure time productively and the desire to socialize with friends or colleagues.Mothers who work as teachers face the demanding task to maintain professionalism in carrying out their duties as educators.,teachers,mentors,assessors,and evaluators of students and to fulfill responsibilities as housewives,attending to their spouses,caring for children and managing household chores.Researchers interviewed two mothers who worked as teachers.These working mothers often experience feelings of depression,fatigue and stress,primarily stemming from challenges in managing their time effectively,judging the responsibilities of both home and school,encountering a lack of cooperation from their husbands in household chores. With time,we have understood that teaching is a challenging job,just like parenting.A teacher wears countless hats. Children learn through them,all the way through their dedication,brilliance with their aptitude to make children realize their personal development. Generally,the learner and the teacher both spend more time with each other and the teacher discerns the weak areas of the students very well. Teachers are becoming one of the most influential people in their students’ life by spending around six to eight hours a day.( sometimes even more).They listen to their learners’ problems carefully and teach them about the new period of their lives,as a way to overcome their problems.Teachers are like second parents.Infact,the education of their children are entrusted to schools,but what school in the world can supplant home education?Now in the school, it is the duty of the teacher to take the role of a mother by playing a noteworthy role in shaping the life of the students under their care. The teacher plays the role of a second parent and support their learners by giving the appropriate guidance. She can be a mother to her students,an inspiration,a disciplinarian,a molder of character,provide the fundamentals for success and help harness our untapped talents.Even sometimes your teacher knows more of your secrets than your mother and still keeps them as a secret,isn’t it? Once a teacher feels that the teacher appreciate what they do.,they will trust their teacher more. We need to make pupils feel that they are safe enough.Teachers are usually being challenged to help their students to understand the value of what they are receiving by widening so many young minds. A teacher always stands by their students every step of the way by showing them the truthful path that helps to boost their self-confidence.A mother creates a permanent intuition by teaching the child from birth itself so as a teacher. Just like your mother,did a teacher assist you to discover your unique endowment,or maybe sometimes guide you to stay away from a dangerous life trail.The role of a teacher is quite similar to that of a mother,of helping a child to learn and grow intellectually,physically and emotionally.She helps the child to celebrate success and absorb failures and yet move on in life.Now an additional tips or advice to teachers and educators.Love and enjoy your work.Have an enthusiasm and interest in your assigned task and perform them honestly and diligently.Place the interest of public before you.Understand yourself.Learn to manage the forces of your environment.Don’t let tobacco and alcohol ruin your work.These may not be beneficial to your physical and moral well-being.It reveals of a deficiency managed you,always set a commitment to be an upright and trustworthy public servant. As a teacher,praise students.Never let fear be your image but love. Give them a sense of belonging and not empty threats. Avoid comparison as it is deeply resented. One must never label a child but try and understand their needs. Keep doing all this and one would soon find students as a teacher’s best friends confiding everything in the teacher.Motivate students to learn by encouraging them to discover new ideas and ask questions what they did not grasp well. Sometimes students fear asking questions in class fearly emabrassment.Clearly this affects the intrinsic motivation of students negatively.Thus the motivation of students to learn largely depends on educators. A teacher should create a good classroom environment.Today’s educational strategies emphasize that classrooms are more than a place for learning. Teachers recognize that fostering positive classroom environment helps students feel safe with routines and options for learning style.Do not tolerate malevolent comments and nasty hilarity in the classroom.Moreover,teachers should cultivate a sense of unity among students which will enable them to learn from one another whenever they get involved in learning activities.


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